Greenham in Common – online event

From Peace Education Scotland and Glasgow Women’s Library :- Greenham in Common is an online gathering bringing intergenerational activists and audiences together on the 40th year anniversary of the beginning of Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp. This event will celebrate the contributions of women within anti-nuclear movements, and in doing so, explore the legacy the Greenham Women left on peace activism and on protest culture more broadly today.

Greenham in Common, Thursday 26th August, 6.30pm to 8pm, Online, FREE event

40 years on from the beginning of Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp what do we still have in common? How has it shaped our worlds and what are the connections and relationships, both personal and political, that have grown out of this movement? We invite you to bring memories, anecdotes, reflections on Greenham Common, as well as the various struggles it has intersected with and that you are currently involved in.

Whilst reflecting on the movement and opening up space to share memories and personal experiences, we’ll consider Greenham Common in relation to various movements which intersect with it, historically and in the present. Together we ask: what are the long term knowledges, connections and practices which grew out of Greenham? How can we learn and develop strategies through connecting with past struggles and also apply a critical lens to contemporary understandings of the world? In disconnected times, when rights to protest and police powers are shifting, how can we find ways to come together and nurture connections between our struggles?

The event is hosted by a working group including Yvonne Billimore, Caroline Gausden(GWL), Kate Kelly, Iona Soper (Peace Education Scotland) and Jane Tallents. Each come with their own connections to Greenham, from personal experience to archival research and work in various environmental campaigns. In the event they reflect briefly on their connections to the movement and welcome attendees to bring their own stories or thoughts to create an open space for listening, sharing and connecting with others.

All welcome, no prior knowledge of Greenham Common is required.


The event is free and open to all. To attend, please book below and we will share an email invitation with you.  If you would like to make a donation to Glasgow Women’s Library, you can do so herePlease note that booking will close on Wednesday 25th August and you will receive your email invitation a few days before the event takes place.


This session takes place via an online video call link. If you would like to attend, please book below and we will share an email invitation along with simple and straight forward instructions on how this will work. If you have any concerns about how this will work for you, please do get in touch and we’ll do all we can to support you in joining the session.

Stagetext Live Captioning is available at this event. See all events with Live Captioning here.


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